It is time consuming to solve TDS errors while filling TDS return. In this post, we have given most common TDS errors and their solutions. Most common TDS Errors and
Tarannum Khatri is Chartered Accountant of India and Founder of She is currently practicing in taxation field. Besides practice, she loves music and reading great minds..You connect with her on FB by clicking button on right side.
Income tax notices are issued by income tax department for various non compliance. In this post, you can get insight about reasons for income tax notices and their solutions.
GST Transitional provisions play critical role while moving from service tax/vat tax to GST ( gOODS and service tax.Here, we cover following important points: Administration of GST Registration under GST
Income tax on traders is the guide prepared to cover the issue of income tax on trading in shares, bonds, options. In addition, we cover here speculative and non speculative