Empanelment of CA firm and LLP with C&AG for year 2015-16
C&AG has invited online application for year 2015-16 from chartered accountants firm and LLP to em panel their offices with controller and audit general of India.
- The online application will be available from 1/1/2015 to 15/2/2015 on www.saiindia.gov.in.
- The firm can update the data on website and generate online acknowledgement.
- The ca firms are also required to send hard copies of relevant documents with online acknowledgement generated with online application to register with C&AG.
Wish to apply for Concurrent Auditor though I am at present acting as Concurrent Auditor of UBI, Burdwan Station Bazar Branch.
You can apply if your firm fulfills all terms and conditions. As UBI and Central bank of India both are different banks. no issue.